Originally Posted by Hollywood
I don't understand how you feel so empowered over beating little kids in a video game. I do not really play MOH that much but for me it's a release from the normal grind of day-to-day life. My competitive side likes to get the better of me but it only goes so far. Seeing people take this game so seriously makes me laugh because at the end of the day you are all still computer nerds, you did not just win an olympic event nor did you even accomplish anything but clicking the mouse and keyboard. Then when there is an argument on a message board you have to bring the whole "video game god" thing into the conversation as a means of backing up what you say.
Summary, if you have to brag about being better then someone else in a video game then you are making up for what you lack in real life.
What have we learned?
Don't take everything said on a message board so damn seriously. This whole AAN/aa.com < vets is a form of entertainment for the mass audiences that are sitting by just watching it unfold. I wouldn't be participating in it otherwise, because I am well aware arguing with the idiots that populate the internet has no point because they will never back down from their view on any particular subject. It's like trying to dispute religion and political background, you'll never get anywhere no matter how informed you think you are.
And soon the vets will probably be gone anyway, the result being either a complete change for the good or a decline resulting in this board finally dieing after being on life-support for over a year. So I'm getting my shots in now.
Get 6 or stfu and quit your crying..and we dont pick on kids...we pick on adults...so step on up and grab 6 of your best and lets find out who has the betterMOH team...aa.com or aan...sounds like fun to me... freak: ...or maybe you dont have the faith in your teammtes abilities that i do....
i pwn you all in online video games.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rawwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!1