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Default 08-26-2003, 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
So the "core" of the MOH community is on a ladder? That's news to me, but if you want to get technical you shouldn't be pimping a clan that took you in because of your loyalties instead of your playing abilities. Go back to Sims Online and cook me some dinner bitch.

.|a.M|. * > AAN > Judas

GG's sucking at the internet b00n
Originally Posted by hollyn00b
I caouldn't anyway because everything that comes out is the most ridiculous bullshit I have ever heard.
The core of the community is made up of the people that "know" the game, play for keeps, and earn the right to talk shit ...

Dan might ve taken me in out of loyalty, but i think that loyalty is what burns you the most, "gg". Thank god he saved me from aan before i turned out acting like a douche-bag like most of you.

If i remember correctly last time i played you you gave up and started running around like a retard suicide nading to try to kill me... AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!

Just remeber gg , everything you say and do is because of us ... without us you would still be running around saying w3rd (i sometimes still see it in the aan forum). We made you. So stop talking shit, get your 6, and prove yourself, then you may talk shit (weve earned the right), otherwise stfu.
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