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Default 08-26-2003, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:1cbd1]Why the fuck would u ban Gerard? BJ im sorry but ur a real dumbass for doing that. Look at strikors trippers and Cpt. Obvious' post. If anyone should be banned it should be these things.
Gerard had his moments of complete flames and should have been banned about a year ago. strikor, tripper, and Ed need a permanent ban. imo. Ed cant take the fact he never made mod, and if he did he would ban any one who did not agree with him. Ed wants the power but cant have it and it burns him bad. thats why he flames all mods. He would be a bad bad mod.[/quote:1cbd1]

Notice that ED wasn't one of those who were banned?

There's a reason for that.

Nothing against Gerard, Tripper, WR, Strikor and the others who were banned, I will always stand up for them because I honestly believe they should have been able to at least give the new mods a chance. I'll stick by that no matter what.

But ED has acted differently to them in many respects, in ways that people such as yourself have been unable to see because you take him too seriously.
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