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Default 08-26-2003, 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
The low spark thing was a joke. Well over your head. Bj was not a bad mod. and Ed does need to be banned. And this is my real name. Just took the clan insignia off. And I have not posted in about 1 and a 1/2 years. Just read the shit that goes on here. So I am not smurfing. this my one and only name deal with it loser.
Fine, I'm sorry I didn't see that it was a joke, I take back the part where I said you knew nothing.

If this is your one and only name then fine, you'll be subject under it as a member who must go by the new rules - Please don't think you can pass judgment on anyone here until they are set, please. I'll try my best to do the same.

That includes ED. Who in case you missed me does not need to be banned as per the only person that actually matters.

But - If you were [SOMETHING]Shagnasty and you haven't posted for one and a half years, why on Earth have you decided to start again now?

In case you weren't aware reading the forum does not mean you are contributing to it.

So far your contribution, as far as everyone here right now is concerned is 20 very mundane and average posts that have been said by many others in the space of a week already.

Either way, once the mods are set you will see major changes around here - Even before the mods actually set any new rules.

Until then, as I already told you to do and now am going to ask you to do, is to drop this until mods are appointed and what happens next, please.

You've made your point - One that has been made by about 3 other anonymous people (No one knows who you are = anonymous no matter what the hell you've done for the past 1 and a half years).

If you have anything to argue with what I've just posted then you're just desperate to flame someone - You either have a point to make and contribution to offer. If you don't then I have to conclude that you want to get the last word in all the time.

What is it?

Do you want to contribute, or do you want to keep telling us that ED should have been banned?

Because, besides unfunny "jokes" about Low Spark and one positive post about BJ, you have done nothing but tell us ED should be banned.

Great - He won't be banned. Sorry.

What's next for you? Your choice.
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