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Hilikus is Offline
Posts: 31
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Default 01-25-2002, 10:41 AM

You guys are freakin' idiots when it comes to warez. I have never seen so many dumbasses get so riled up. Yes they can be bad but some of you guys just have no clue at all!!! A lot of times people that work for the developer leak the program just like mp3's get leaked before an album's release?!?!?! Also a retailer or reviewer given a copy for evaluation before the release could have done the same thing. It's not that hard. And if that weren't the case all it takes is for someone who bought the game to rip it and put it online so that means the real game could have been on-line as early as Sunday when people were saying they got it from Wal-mart. Get a goddamn life. People will warez no matter what. So no matter how many stupid posts you make it will continue. So do us all a favor and shut the hell up.

BTW-I bought this game.
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