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Sieg Heil!!!!!!!!
striker101st is Offline
Posts: 38
Join Date: May 2003
Default Sieg Heil!!!!!!!! - 08-27-2003, 05:21 PM

Nazi's and Neo Nazi's will always win!!! Most Americans are pathetic little b**ches. Germans will rule the world and we will get our revenge on the jews!!! What Hitler started will be finished. WE WILL WIN!!!!! SEIG HEIL!!!!!!!!!
I will look forward to the day when German tanks are rolling through Washington D.C. Then after Nazi's take over the USA the victorious Nazi's shall detonate the statue of liberty to show WE ARE IN CONTROL!!!!! WE WILL NEVER LOOSE!!! Today Germany is ours, tomorrow we shall have the world. SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!!!
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