Hello Mohaa Community,
Recently peoples servers have been crashed by known cheater group (who funnily claims not to crash servers) that stumbled upon a server bug that allows them to crash MOHAA servers at will.
Myself, BlackBart (invisiblewarriors.com), and [MC]Hammer have worked hard and tracked down the cause of the problem, and fixed.
The cause is because of an animation error in the game, when a user does a certain set of actions in a certain order it causes the game to call an animation that doesn't exist, and then MOHAA crashes violently.
Since this fix is an animation problem, it means we had to edit MOHAA tiki files to fix the issue.
The tiki files are
Unfortunately any edit of these files means that it conflicts with custom realism modifications, so we have taken the liberty to convert the regular mohaa, ckr realism, and BB realism files to incorporate the fix. The file fix also includes instructions on how to "roll your own" fix so to speak if you too have a custom realism such as Keonigs realism, or DWM realism.
We hope this works out just great, it fixes another known problem for MOHAA.
Also while you are at it, on the same page as the link provided you will find a fix for MOH:SH that stops people from causing the map to reload over and over again.
Here is the link you guys have been sorely waiting for.
http://invisiblewarriors.com/iw/modules ... load&cid=5
Also, if you run a MOHAA server and havent done so already, you should go to this link
http://www.thecheatpolice.com/modules.p ... tit&lid=34
which stops people from spawning Uboats into maps which causes the maps to crash.
Again for a Re-Cap
the first link provides fixes Spearhead Reload Problem, and the latest MOHAA Server Crash Exploit.
Special Shoutout to
}Mech{ Wizz for providing the server logs and info needed on how the exploit was done.
For any other data on anti-cheat information go to
Luckily we stopped PM and S.W.A.T. who are the sole users of these exploits.
PS. There are 2 other known methods of crashing servers, we may be providing information on those soon, but they involve heavy server spamming, so if you notice someone spamming on your server, simply ban them with a fast booting program such as MOHAACI, do not kick them, though if they are legit you may warn them first.
Buzz OUT