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Default 08-28-2003, 04:13 AM

so let me get this straight. You come in here and whine about bj doin this "revenge banning", act like that shit is below you, then proceed to spam nasty fucking pictures to.....get revenge? Oh you are so fucking mature. Maybe if your 6th grade minds would stop for 1 second and think about who else your bothering with this petty schoolgirl bullshit, then you wouldnt. I've never done one goddamn thing to any of you but be nice and act goofy, yet I also have to look at this gay fucking horseshit. Oh yeah, your definately the bigger men around here huh. You childish fucks. I can say, without a fucking doubt in my mind at this point, that THE ONLY person here with any sense of worth is pest (and MAYBE ed, since he does seem to make sense and isnt being a childish fuck). The rest of you cock knockers are all hypocritical bafoons. Flame me all you want, in the end YOUR ARE BAZOOKA JOE ALL OVER AGAIN. just in a different form. You people need to GROW THE FUCK UP. And badscript, I've met you once in mirc (was loooooong ago). you seemed nice, but you let this happen. Not to say its all your fault. I mean who could have forseen the childish mental state of these people. Oh wait, thats right, this is nevermind.
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