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Bean 2 is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,993
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: New York
Default 08-29-2003, 08:35 PM

Well i just played it and it wasnt bad but it wasnt as good as i thought it would be. U can tell there is alot more emphasis on teamwork instead of rushing into an enemy stronghold. I was disappointed in the weapon models. The mp40 looked really bad, kind of reminded me of wolfenstein, and the thompson looked like it was takin exactly from Moh. Also the Mg-42 was the worst looking rendition ive seen in a game. The player models looked similar to MoH but they moved and acted alot more like real soldiers. Enemy AI was superb. They took cover and called for reinforcements. They peaked their head out every so often only to take a shot. Another good aspect was u had to trade off weapons and u can pick up a dead persons weapon in exchange for the one u were carrying. Overall it was pretty good. It was clear that aspects from most of the major WWII games was put into it ie. MoH, DoD, Frontline, Wolfenstein.
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