Thread: Is he a hacker?
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Is he a hacker?
Mcbain is Offline
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Default Is he a hacker? - 08-31-2003, 09:18 PM

==Go down to the last paragraph to skip the story.

I "was" in a clan and everything was all nice and I was good enough to have console power. the only other person beside teh clan leader to have console power is his friend or something. His friend also has a clan and I play there sometimes.

So one day I went to his sever and everything was going on nicely until I was killed twice in crossroad the map. My compass showed he killed me from right in front of me and I heard a shotgun firing very loud. I was in a room and I didn't see a damn thing. I thought ok fine he was hiding somewhere. He did the same shit again only he fired 3 times. When I first got hit the first time I went into shotgun dodge mode: strafe jump left, crouch, look around. I didn't see anything and he shot twice more and killed me in the room with the stairs. when I got killed I got suspicious. I went into spectator mode and wanted to know where he was. When I saw him in spect he was invisible!!! I couldn't see anything at all. He was walking but I couldn't see him.

I confronted him and he denied it and told me to look for him down the road. Suprise he's there walking down the street with a shotgun. I killed him with my M1Grand. He was yelling and screaming about how I'm accusing him of cheating on his sever. He wanted me to apologize and I did only because he knew my clan leader.

We went on to play on Destroyed Village. I was under the bell tower and I got killed with 2 shotgun shots. Again I went into spectator mode and saw him invisible again. I team messaged my teammate (who was in my clan) and told him to look at him and see if he's invisible as proof. My team mate came back and said in "text all mode" that he didn't see him cheating. That cheating hacker threatened to boot me. I told him I'll leave on my own.

So now 2 days later, I'm going into my clan's sever and I find out I was banned. I didn't tell my clan leader about what happened because they both know each other and I thought it might have been a glitch or something in the game that I didn't see his character.

So I just want to know if there is a hack for patch 1.11 that allow you to go invisible. And if you can turn it on and off quickly. Because As soon as I stopped watching him he must have done something to make himself visible again. Btw his clan is the [J:H:F], and he is the clan leader. His name is [J:H:F]Widowmaker. My clan is the =|5th SFG|=
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