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Allied Assault dot com now has moderators - Please all read
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Default Allied Assault dot com now has moderators - Please all read - 09-02-2003, 01:00 PM

As some of you may know we now have mods appointed here.

Shortly we will have rules ready to publish and a fair and consistent system to enforce those rules.

Until then we request that you are all patient and just try not to cause any trouble, please.

Whilst there are no official rules at this time and everyone now has a chance to start fresh, don't think that you can abuse this place and not be noticed.

It's my honest opinion that you should all regard what we have planned (and still have yet to plan) as fair and that it reaches a decent compromise.

All we ask of you is your patience and we will repay that with consistency and even-handed moderation, hopefully to a degree that means you don't notice us too much (as mods).

If anyone has any questions please ask them here - Or, if you want to, PM me.

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