09-04-2003, 12:56 PM
[quote:ba975]ED, you're wrong. I can have specific members not heard from again on this forum immediately, all I need to do is to disable a few accts and disable new registration or moderate them. Proxy all you want then.[/quote:ba975]
Theyd find a way. Unless you think you're smarter than everyone else.
[quote:ba975]. . .ramble. . .[/quote:ba975]
I think you need to reread General Deaths little message to you. Youre right son, it IS your site, and you DID neglect it. However dont come all "well I can do whatever the hell I want with it", and then expect people to not piss on you. Sorry but you cant have your cake and smash it in the face of the community.
[quote:ba975]If there's one thing I regret creating aa.com is that I now have around 20 people totally OBSESSED with this website, and that's unhealthy, both physically and mentally, for them.[/quote:ba975]
Pathetic. Lemme quarterback this for you - this site is cool to come to and post whatever. Some post alot, and are outspoken - does this mean when they are having a beer with friends or eating (with) their lady, that theyre thinking about you my boy - gimme a break. It takes what - 2 minutes to post a message and maybe another 5 to browse the forum. And you figure some do that about 5 times a day. Thats about 30 minutes to an hour on this forum. Now take into effect that fact that there are those of us who WORK - ed: - and of course there are down periods so what do we do - we browse. Yea, doesn't seem all to unhealthy when you put it into perspective. But hey - keep on tossing out pot-shots to the "Banned Elite", further discredit them. Soon youll have everyone - and not just a group of grown men arguing with kids - agreeing with u.
[quote:ba975]Sorry Ydiss for ruining your "We're all friends" speech here but I guess some people REALLY need to wake/grow up here, get of of his/her little world and step into the reality.[/quote:ba975]
Hey man, you're the one who posted the "bring it on" speech to a group of faceless, reality-deprived losers.