BF1942 Stress Test -
09-05-2003, 04:14 PM
I've been talking with a rather new hosting company, and they have given me a free 32-man server to play with for the time being to see how the game runs, and how our pings are. Basically, they want us to try to fill the server up with people from around the US, and see how well the game runs. This is an open invitation to anyone that plays BF1942, and just wants to help out.
In order to join, you will need the newest BF1942 patch, v1.45, and the newest version of Desert Combat, v0.39K. I will post links for both tonight for immediate download. The server itself is almost-centrally located, in Dallas, TX. The IP is:, port 14567. Feel free to ping it, it shouldn't be higher than 70ms for most of you, if you have Cable or DSL. I'm in NY and got about 60ms.
The game will be this Saturday night at 8PM EST. Again, it will be running STOCK BF1942 maps, (no RtR) and the DC mod. If you want to join the server now, you can, but I doubt there will be anyone playing. Hope to see you guys then. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.