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Default 09-07-2003, 06:36 AM

It's a demo people! It's bound to be short.

I liked it a lot. It was a little easy (even on level 3 difficulty, maybe I should try it on hardest when the game comes out) but that doesn't matter. It promises everything that the SP for MOH:AA did and offers even more.

Sturdy engine (it really does look like a scene out of RTCW) and smooth gameplay, never got slow. Vastly improved AI to MOH:AA. The enemies are still a little dense and your own AI still can't hit shit but at least you really feel like you're a part of a team.

The first time you play it you really get a small inkling of how confusing and terrifying the war must have been (I know nothing could actually replicate the true feeling of the war, but this comes as close as any game has, at least in the demo) and you really do find yourself listening for the cries and commands of your comrades for direction. In MoH most vocal effects are just for atmosphere, and in most missions you don't even have that cos you're alone.

The iron-sight is brilliant. Love that. Pity they didn't totally remove the crosshair when you're not using it though. That would make it more realistic (in that, unless you bring the gun to your shoulder to aim, you're aiming without guidance). But, still, it's greatly implimented.

Although it is linear (to be expected) it does seem like you can use your brain to approach the enemy from various angles to surprise them - Great addition! Nothing better than seeing Jerry firing an MG42 at your team mates totally oblivious to you when you aim at their heads and squeeze the trigger evil:

You can even pick up a mauser and use that (Couldn't do that in MOH:AA or SH, despite being able to use a mauser for one short mission in SH). Now that's cool. Did the whole demo with one of those. It rocks as much as it does in MOH:AA but now you can use the sights and feel even cooler.

It's looking good. It's probably going to be very successful in MP, too, so long as they get the netcode and variety right.

I wasn't that interested in this game by the movies and screenshots because I was looking forward more to HL2. But, I'll probably buy COD now, if only to play the SP. Good job, IW.
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