Thread: Presenting
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Default 09-08-2003, 03:43 PM

Actually Gerard looks like connor from ANGEL. Fuck you if you dont know what ANGEL IS!!!! M16:


And GotKarma - dude, seriously. Breathe. Release. Them pics are public domain now man. All we need to do is slap some "copyright" yada yada and bada bing there ya go. Satire is protected under U.S. laws. We're not stealing jack, and we'd prefer if you take your petty flames elsewhere. If you have a problem with a forum member, please do so in Private Messaging. We're trying to keep this forum free of the plagues that were visited upon it by Drive-By-Posters such as yourself.

We have fun here, like to joke around. Nothing here or hell even in the photochopped "For Jasper" thread goes beyond forum rules. So please - stop trying to rain on our parade.