09-09-2003, 04:22 AM
Im flameing em solely for the fun of it. . As ed, myself and others pointed out the only time the aan fucksticks EVER showed up here was when some form of flaming was going on and to remind us how they were so much better at their wankers annonymous forums.
Its like its their mission to show up in force whenever shit was being stirred over here. Aside from that they never bothered. So fuck em all, ill post their pics and make fucks outta them all i want. Call it childish? I really don't give a fuck. Whats even more childish that these supposed "adults" (read: deluded geriatrics) are keeping the flame war going with their little cocky remarks and boring me to death with their pm's (hello slaphead "a dick").
So aan go enjoy your circle jerkathon real life meetings, i have to say if you lot put on a road show some of you mad looking fuckers would put some freak shows out of business, actually the term "freak show" would take on a whole new meaning with you cunts.
Oh yeah
W3RD TO DA FREAKZ REPRESENTIN!!! [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/bigtard.gif[/img]