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Default 01-25-2002, 07:41 AM

Its odd... I run a 500Mhz Intel Celeron, 96 megs ram, and a VooDoo3 32 MB graphics card... I seem to be getting about 20 - 30 FPS in fire fights, lowest i seem to get, is about 15 FPS, and that doesnt happen offen. You system should be able to handle about 70 FPS in firefights.. The only thing i do befor playing a game, is ctrl-alt-delete and shut down every program exept explorer and system tray. Than i just play, and the game runs fine... I suggest that you try this, if you havnt already. Oh BTW, i run all graphics on medium, 800X600. You may have to turn your graphics down a bit, if you are running too high. I really hope this helps man...

And please dont say that im full of shit, cause im telling the truth..

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