09-09-2003, 10:55 AM
I don't care if you wanna know about this record. I don't care if you like Maiden. I had to write my feelings down while listening to this record. I'm absolutely astonished. Here goes:
Wildest Dreams: High energy, 90s-esque Maiden tune. Great chorus with high sing-along factor (great live...saw 'em do this one in Montreal). Great stuff.
Rainmaker: Oh my. Catchy as all hell! Awesome guitar harmonies in the solo, which is led off by blistering riffage by Mr. Dave Murray. Incredible.
No More Lies: Very nice, subtle bass/guitar noodling riff at the beginning. The opening melody is kind of reminiscent of "The Clansman" from "Virtual XI", with the acoustic bass adding a clean tone. Opening builds with brooding anticipation of an inevitable explosion. Which HAPPENS! Bruce wails, "NO MORE LIES!!" The main riff pounds towards the brutal "NO MORE LIES!!!" repeated chorus (more sing-along factor). There's a synth underlay that adds a touch of dreaminess to an otherwise relentless track. All three players have a solo which is just too sweet for words. Their individual styles are so different, yet so complementary.
Montsegur: AHHHH!!! Classic Powerslave-esque Maiden here. Full balls out metal. I'm speechless.
Dance Of Death: A sharp contrast to Montsegur. This is a very complex song with several time changes, with an almost irish-like dancy feel to it. This song is going to take a few listens to get the full scope of it. Quite an ambitious composition.
Gates Of Tomorrow: Soaring verses which spotlight Bruce's voice harmonies exquisitely. A straight ahead Maiden tune...very, VERY good. Lovely guitar harmonies. As usual.
New Frontier: Another quick tempo tune that rings a bit of "Piece of Mind"-era Maiden. Lovely stuff. I'm out of breath just listening to it.
Paschendale: Chilling, hard-hitting song about the Third Battle for Ypres during WWI, also known as Paschendale. This Allied Offensive was fought by British, Canadian and Australian troops and was launched with the aim to capture the Belgium ports held by the Germans. Fought in very bad conditions in driving rain and waterlogged ground. The Allies lost over 300,000 men for the gain of only a few miles. The lyrics are haunting and powerful. Maiden songwriting at it's absolute finest.
Face In The Sand: Opening is another subtle, brooding one, with high anticipation for an oncoming explosion. Then the lads throw you a curve. The song is mid-tempo but heavy nonetheless...great stuff! It
builds and grows on the back of Nicko's staccato kick drum, while the guitars swirl over top and Bruce SEARS the vocals into your brain. Nice sing-along section toward the end, too.
Age of Innocence: A mellow opening quickly builds into a heavy main riff. Chorus is BRUTALLY catchy! Oh man, this'll be stuck in my head for a while. Strong track.
Journeyman: Ooooh my lord! Acoustic guitars!! My god, Maiden have developed a subtle side here and I friggin' LOVE IT! This is very similar to some of Bruce's solo stuff...acoustic, reflective and thoughtful. Speechless again.
10 out of friggin' 10. Maiden gets better with age, my friends. This is what progressive power metal is supposed to sound like. It's mature, it's heavy, it's catchy, and most of all it's Maiden. Dance of Death is a benchmark, a watershed album. Go buy it. Now.