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MamoVaka is Offline
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Default 01-25-2002, 09:14 AM

Guys remember I am playing this game max detail, and I was using quinox fsaa, I get 8200 3d marks on my pc. which is pretty good I guess for a non overclocked rig of my type.

I'm talking about playing this game on max detail people not min, sure I think I can get 60 fps also on fucking min detail myself. What pissed me off is a total top end system like mine (xp1900+ 512 ddr gfeforce 3 ti500) having to lower details ON ANY GAME of this generation is BS.

For fun I messed around with settings, raised resolution to 1600 and get VERY similar fps
I also lowered the res to 640 and the fps really dint change too much, STILL dipped.

Wolfenstien runs ok for me but wtf is with this ridiculous dipping I am seeing? God I wish to christ someone could answer me.

I also think that ANYONE who tells me they play all full detail on omaha (sp or mp) and dont get fps in low 20's is an absolute bullshitter. Not even a chance..

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