09-09-2003, 02:39 PM
I'm not trying to start anything, but by making this thread you have now willing asked for people to spam you. Nothing is going to change the way these forums are run. Some people enjoy making maps, mods, and skins, while others would love to but just don't have the time to be dealing with this shit. Yet, at the same time they are looking for ways to improve their mohaa gameplay, and that's where you guys come in. You make the mods that over half the mohaa community uses. If everyone knew how to mod then everyone would make their own stuff and there would be no need for this forum, except for showing off. If what you want is to have a bunch of conceited people plugging their shit on these forums then that's your business, but I personally would hate to see that day.
As for people begging. The world is full of givers and receivers, and it just so happens that there are a hell of a lot more receivers. But, making a post to tell people to get off their asses and make shit themselves won't change a goddamn thing. I appreciate your post, but truthfully you are just wasting your time.
Once again, I mean no disrespect, you are a key asset to these forums and I just think you should keep it that way.