Thread: 100% BS
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Default 09-09-2003, 03:33 PM

[quote="Sergeant_Scrotum":06197]last i heard the ISPs were telling the RIAA to stuff it & they many were refusing to release the info.[/quote:06197]

Of course theyre going to do this. High Speed Internet is big buiness and ISP's KNOW what people are going to be using this for. No ISP wants to get the image that at the smallest knudge they are going to toss over your info to the authorities. Of course with the offenders that you just cannot turn the other cheek on, youre fucked, and no way your ISP is gonna go to bat for u. But the MAJORITY of users and downloaders arent career criminals and are just looking for those songs they cant find anywhere else.

We'll see real fireworks when the RIAA starts demanding IP's from ISP's.

And to GTBOY - lemme put it in terms you can understnad. Say someone stole your RAZOR - yanno those gay ass scooters. And say you reported it. Then the cops come to your house and tell you - we KNOW who stole your faggoty scooter, but we're not going to give you that information to protect the thiefs identity.

I bet youd be pissed then.
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