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Re: This is a MODDING forum.
Dr. Deleto is Offline
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Default Re: This is a MODDING forum. - 09-09-2003, 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by Dragonwraith

Everyone needs some sort of guide to help them through with something they have never done or still new too. So you have a little more respect for people asking for tuts... well god damn I feel so much better now.
Exactly my point. I NEVER used a tutorial for ANYTHING. I taught myself and learned by screwing up. Before this game I had NEVER modded anything before, and look at me now. I can do just about anything you should expect to the game. And noone ever gave me a tutorial. When it comes to models I admit that Hobbs and Guarnere were an integral part of my learning to mess with that aspect of the game, but other than them giving me 2 or 3 tips when I got stuck on something, I taught myself this too. They didnt show me step by step how to do it.

As you stated Timur, I believe that that is what this forum was built for. For people to get that tip when they get stuck, or to ask an opinion on something before they put it out for everyone. Criticism affects the work only for the better in most cases. Or maybe for someone who is trying to add a scope effect to a mg to come and ask what zoom level does what. Thats the way it was when I started coming here to show my work and give help. It wasnt built so people to come and spam about a mod they want. It was made to assist modders in releasing higher quality work by getting the opinions and tips from thier peers. A year ago this forum was full of "Check out my new skin" or "My new map is done", now it is full of "I want this made!!" or "Need a mapper to make ME a map".

I suppose that one word is what is causing this. The origins of this forum were built upon modders helping modders, hence giving. Now they are based around People begging endlessly for a modder to make them something that they could very easily learn to make themselves, hence taking.

I support your statement about givers and recievers. I just refuse to be a giver much longer. I will more than gladly help anyone with a question that I may answer, or to throw in my two cents on what could be done to improve a mod, but as far as all these requests go I am through with that.
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