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Location: England

09-09-2003, 05:16 PM
It came out here in the UK yesterday, and some places in europe a few days ago. Its already my 3rd favourite IM album, after powerslave and somewhere in time. The lyrics and music are all better than BNW, and probably anything else they've done in the last 15yrs [haven't heard much of any of the blaze albums though].
Paschendale is probably my favourite song, it's one of the best songs ive ever heard, and I dont think there's one weak song on the whole album, except maybe wildest dreams, that still got to number 6 here in the UK though, best chart position since Be Quick or Be Dead got to No2 11yrs ago.
the only thing i dont like about this album is the cover, but the music makes up for it.
My review:
Wildest dreams - probably the weakest song on the album, sounds like it was made to be more radio friendly, with the short solo and the lyrics etc. still gets 8/10 though
Rainmaker - sounds like their early stuff, but modernised. Great chorus and guitars aswell. 9/10
No more lies - one of my favourite songs on the album, expecially the 2nd chorus when the powerchords come in, and the chorus. 10/10
Montségur - probably the heaviest song on the album. I'm not too sure about the pirate-ish chorus thing though. It doesn't really fit in with the 'as we kill them all so God will know his own' lyrics about hundreds of people being slaughtered. 8/10
Dance of Death - medievel sounding, and a lot like their older songs. The only thing that lets this down is some of the lyrics: 'let me tell you a story to chill the bones..' and 'I danced, and I pranced'. Other than that its a good song, sounds a bit like Fear of the Dark. 9/10
Gates of Tomorrow - sounds very 70s-ish, with the doubling thing on Bruce's voice and the guitar in the verse. It sounds a lot like a song that I cant remember the name of, I think its Jethro Tull or something like that. Good song anyway. 8/10
New Frontier - first song ever written by Nicko, sounds like it would go well on fear of the dark to me. Sounds a bit like wildest dreams aswell, could be the 2nd single off the album, along with Rainmaker. 9/10
Paschendale - one of the best songs I've ever heard. Very powerfull, and a great intro, really fits the WW1 theme. The lyrics are some of the best theyve written aswell, (but adrian's always are), they sound like a Wilfred Owen poem. It just feels like WW1, with the quiet intro, then the huge riff like artillery, and the orchestra in the background, the choir singing at the end, its the best epic they've done since Rime of the Ancient Mariner. 11/10
Face in the Sand - about whats going on in the world today I think, eg iraq and the war on terror ('everybody's waiting for something to happen, lunatics waiting for bigger disasters'). The intro sounds a bit like the title track, then it turns more like a BNW track, before going heavier for the rest of the song. Another great chorus in this song aswell. 9/10
Age of Innocence - another BNW sounding track, a bit like Blood Brothers with the bass intro and slow lead-guitar riff over the top. This is their first song about politics I think, which they've always kept away from. Its about criminals and how they get let off easy ('a life of petty crime get punished with a holiday'). There's also a line about Tony Martin, the farmer who shot and killed a 16yr old who broke into his house a few years ago ('you can't protect yourselves even in your own home', and 'so now the criminals laugh right in out face, judicial system lets them do it, a disgrace'). Another good chorus on this song. 9/10
Journeyman - acoustic song, no solo I dont think, the first Ive heard without one since Iron Maiden in 1979, still a good song though. It reminds me of Bruce's solo songs aswell. I cant think of anything wrong with this song. 10/10
Best album they've done in years. Some of the songs are supposed to have been leftovers from BNW or Virtual XI, but everything on this album is better than anything ive heard off those 2 albums. Overall score = 10/10. I'm glad someone's keeping real metal alive, Metallica seem to have failed with St Anger
Only 3 months till I go to see them at the NEC, on their last show of their last ever full arena tour
btw, you'll have some problems downloading the album off kazaa. Everything on this album was locked away, so not a single track was leaked until the last week when it was being made in the factories or wherever they make Cds. Before that, people had just put Hallowed be thy Name and loads of songs from bruces solo work on there, renamed to DoD songs.