09-09-2003, 05:16 PM
Dr. D, i think all the beggin in here is pure shit as well. If everyone got off they're ass and just looked for how to do stuff like i do things would be better in here. More power to you if you taught yourself how to do all the amazing things you do for the game but the fact is not everyone can grasp stuff as easy as you seem to. If some of these lazy bastards bothered to look around for tuts to help them out they too could prob start doing stuff on they're own. I just think it's shitty for you to dump on people because they may need a tut to "get they're feet wet", but that's just my opinion. Granted this place isn't the best forum to go for help, BUT TMT has tuts stickied for a reason... to help people just starting out like i am. I go through alot of trial and error and if i get stuck i go there for help and most of the posters there are more than happy to help. How about this for an idea, have 1 of the MMS mods sticky a post with some modding/skinning tuts other than the one that's there now! But like you said and i 100% agree, all the friggin begging here is a joke, get off your ass and try making stuff on your own (maybe with the help of a tut).