Thread: 100% BS
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Default 09-09-2003, 06:10 PM

[quote="ED!":678a9][quote="Sgt Stryker":678a9]I don't download music, assclown, I never said I did.

so what are you saying?
instead of busting hackers who could cause me harm ISPs should bust downloaders who don't do shit to me but harm teh recording industry?
Like I said, who pays the ISP's bills: me, or RIAA?

BTW, what's more important to mankind:

40GB of cancer research data destroyed by a hacker who could have had the plug pulled on him long ago,
or a couple paltry million that RIAA lost to downloads?

ISPs only have so many resources they can contribute to the war on cyber-terrorism (hacking and virusing to you civvies), yet RIAA demands that they take these precious resources away to fight a much less heinous crime.[/quote:678a9]

Again using circular arguments to justify your point. A matter of priorities is BEYOND the point. You are breaking the law. You are breaking a law that potentially takes money out of the hands of others. The RIAA could care less about Cancer Research since they - wait for it - arent doctors studying cancer research. If the FBI wants the name of some hacker who hacked some bullshit, then theyll go after them too. And, ahem - yanno theres more than ONE division of the FBI dedicated to cyber-crime. See they have it set up that way to make sure lil bastards like yourself who want to pull the "but mommy he's doing it", or "omg h4x0rz there r worc ppl than me!" arguments have no leg to stand on. The FBI and relevant industries will go after the offenders that are affecting THEIR livelyhood.[/quote:678a9]

your continual assumptions that I download music and am a child only prove that you are

a. dyslexic
b. retarded
c. can't read
d. just some dumb faggot who likes to get on everyone else's nerves

did you understand anything I said you fucking moron!
ISP only have so many resources they can use, you are saying that they should give into the demands or RIAA when they don't even have hackers under control?
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