09-09-2003, 09:13 PM
[quote="ED!":807e2]Doesnt say much for you Stryker if you're arguing with a dyslexic on the internet, much less being unable to string together any kind of coherent argument for yourself. Methinks you should stick with what you know, BED WETTING, and leave the logic to the adults.
shouldn't that be directed at you?
[quote:807e2]Did I say you dl music - no, and I could care less if you did[/quote:807e2]
you said "You are breaking the law. You are breaking a law that potentially takes money out of the hands of others."
the prosecution rests
[quote:807e2]YOU said -
"Omfg!111 I pay my Dsl bill they shouldnt be worrying about ppl dling music they should make sure my interweb is always wrking" - [/quote:807e2]
did I really?
either you can't read correctly or you are Joe Scarborough (make up lies about others)
[quote:807e2]your ISP can do WHAT EVER THE HELL IT WANTS[/quote:807e2]
therefore it is not required to give RIAA jack shit
[quote:807e2]It does not cater to YOU. Read that again. Your ISP could give a fuck what YOU as an individual wants[/quote:807e2]
you think I am the only one concerned about hackers and viruses?
what rock have you been hiding under?
ever hear of the blaster worm?
it shut down the entire Cox High Speed Internet network in Kansas and Oklahoma. Also numerous businesses in the US and throughout the world were hurt my blaster. One worm wasted more money in one week (repairs, down time, etc) than RIAA loses to downloads in a year.
and ignoring the customers is the best way for a business to fail in American capitalism.
[quote:807e2] Pandering to some spoiled brat who wants an extra Kb to access streaming porn with,[/quote:807e2]
I am neither a spoiled brat nor do I download porn, again stop acting like that moron Scarborough. (or O'Reilley)
Like I said before, blaster was hardly an "inconvenience" it caused massive damage in business, education, and home use of computers.
[quote:807e2] and assuring that they are in business 1 year down the line.[/quote:807e2]
last I checked this is not the USSR and the government can't shut down a free enterprise for taking care of more important matters first.
[quote:807e2]Seriously, its the spoiled petulant nature of folks like you that bring folks like the RIAA down over all our heads.[/quote:807e2]
oh yeah, I caused RIAA to go after all you assclowns because I say fighting hackers is a greater priority. methinks you should leave the logic to the adults.
Furthermore, if you read more carefully I never said that pirates should have immunity because there are hackers out there, I said that ISPs should combat the GREATER THREAT FIRST, which happen to be hackers and viruses. I'll explain it in terms you can understand:
a policeman is driving along and sees two events, and armed robbery and a fender-bender, for some reason no reinforcements are avaliable. Is he going to take care of both events? yes. Is he going to stop the armed robber first or make the drivers in the fender-bender exchange insurance info?
The intelligent posters should fihure out which problem is more important.