Thread: 100% BS
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Default 09-09-2003, 10:33 PM

this reminds me of a song (how ironic) that I heard long ago...

"And he leaned out of his giant hot wheels toy and screamed what every dumb redneck screams..*Hey you Faggot!*..So I picked up a rock and before I knew it, I had put a big dent in the side of his giant hot wheels toy!"

Just trying to point out the fact that this argument is all in the eys of the beholder. Your personal preference is going to interfere with your point of view here regardless of what facts you can spout. The facts are strong for both sides here, and probably right for both sides. I personally am leaning towards Ed's argument since I do agree that you can't forget about the small crimes just so you can get to the big ones. Just don't think this is a justifiable argument since noone will obviously be able to prove the other wrong in the end.
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