A responce from EA -
09-10-2003, 07:30 PM
Ill be brief...First is the letter I sent to them.....and their responce....judge for yourself..
Open letter to EA.......... IMHO
by mungynuts, posted Sep 10, 2003 2:03pm
I can appreciate the fact that "Murphys Law" comes into place (even in the BEST of situations), however perception of a product and of it's producer is critical in the continued survival of any company in business.
I've played several games produced by EA and all of the MOH series and still plan to purchace the upcomming games as well, and imho they are of good quality, even though some that may be a little more "tech savvy" see glitches and bugs from a standpoint which i neither care about, nor have the time to study. My point is "is the game fun, and is it worth the price"?...... As a rule I'd say yes !!
However: The preception (posted on many boards(including this one)) is that EA games is an unfeeling, unsupporting,Late, and yes..even greedy company dedicated to just making a buck!
In business, BUSINESS, mind you, I cant help but feel EA games had no desire to have this feeling about there product(s)be so widely voiced in the gaming community.
It would be in the companys BEST interest, to keep its stockholders happy, and its BUYING public placated by issueing some type of appology for the "untimely mixup" that occured today.
It may seem trivial to some, and a downright lie to others, But from a BUSINESS standpoint it may go a long way to reversing that "preception" of a company that makes a good product, but has a way to go in building a satisfied and loyal customer base.
Excuse the spelling.
Re: Open letter to EA.......... IMHO
posted by EASmoothie, Sep 10, 2003 6:33pm
#6 of 7
Hello Mung,
Thanks for your post! In case you've not met me, my name is Jon but I post as EASmoothie. I'm the Community Mgr for the MOH titles.
I understand a lot of what you posted today and am somewhat torn on a response because while I consider myself to be an avid gamer, I'm also an employee. As such, it's my duty to be as forthright in information as I can and try to remain unbiased.
We had wanted the demo to be available first thing today, but there were a few unforseen issues which prevented this from happening. Without boring you with the details, it became priority one to inform the community as much as possible what was happening with the release of the demo and to make sure it got out to the public as soon as possible.
I feel we accomplished this pretty well and had it available to the public by noon PDT. Not an easy task considering all that goes on behind-the-scenes. But considering that I'm still the "new guy" in the company, I think this launch went pretty well.
However, I can understand your frustration. We set the expectation of when we'd be able to deliver on a download, and failed to meet that expectation. For that I apologize. It's not our policy to string anyone along or to be misleading in any capacity. I assure you a situation like this will not happen again to the best of my ability.