09-11-2003, 09:16 AM
I was going to post on it, but Ed took care of that. biggrin:
I had to work today, but I still went down to Ground Zero at 8:30 and amazingly, made it to work by 8:58 (Thats about 150 city blocks in 28 minutes on 2 trains! If you're a NY'er this is GOOD time heh)
Anyways, they had a 2-minute city-wide moment of silence. The only problem was they really didn't talk much about it on the news or radio, but it was in the paper. Very nice site, everyone was on one side of Fulton Street, and they had banners, flags, pictures, and the news was there, too. On the other side of the street was some of the familys of the last buried / recovered firefighters and civilians. They had nice "Laurel Wreaths" (Bad spelling) setup, too, alot of em man.
I got a closer look into Ground Zero with my Military ID, which was cool of the guys that were there keeping people out. Man, when I first went there 5PM 2 years ago, there was a mound about 4 NY Square blocks wide, and about 150 feet in the air. Now it's 2 NY square blocks wide, and about 4 stories deep of a hole, and they did that all within 9 months.