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poseyj is Offline
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Default 02-12-2002, 08:07 AM

you guys are very selfish im sorry but its true.

the reason I myself want to limit snipers is not because i get killed by them, its my favorite class, and i fucking kill lots of people as one, using my sniper script, even close up its easy.

but im thinking about EVERYONE in the game having a pleasant time. is it better to make 8 guys have a bad time, because the entire other team is sniping, or make a couple guy partially unhappy cause they can't use their precious sniper rifle. the game would be better for the majority of people playing if special weapons were restricted.
its the lesser of two evils. in a while when everyones gotten good at the game, GOOD snipers will dominate, and there will be lots of them. i mean, if the rocket had a scope and was accurate, eveyrone would use that regardless of the obsuridity, and the horrible time everyone would have.

but some of you just dont seem willing to sacrafice a sniper rifle so others can have a great gameplay experience. oh thats life i guess people are selfish. fuck it

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