09-11-2003, 11:52 PM
Mankind follows the path of all species of greater intelligence in the fact that with our great advances we will eventually destroy ourselves. It's kind of a cultural suicide. I once read a book by a philosopher from the earlier 20th century who pondered whether maybe mankind had cycles of growth and life. He proposed that mankind would grow to the point of maximum intelligence for that evolutionary stage then destroy itself. After the destruction the remnants would start all over like cavemen and start the cycle over, except that they willl have evolved slightly so that thier cycle will go a bit further than the cycle before them. This is the way he explained evolutionary change in humans. His points were brought to the table by the proof we have found of several different species of man who have all died off in time to make way for the new species of man. Wish I could remember the book's name, was a good read.
As for him having too much time on his hands, if he's anything like me then this kind of thing will just pop into the brain and take over the thinking until a reasonable answer is found. I will obsess over a problem until I have found what I consider to be the most probable explanation. I'm actually quite glad someone here is posting things like this. It's a hell of a lot better than the normal "Ohhhh! The new gforce graphics card is out!! ooooooooooh! It rules!" kind of topics we see as it will quite possibly make you think a bit about your answer.