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Re: Do you have faith in mankind?
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Default Re: Do you have faith in mankind? - 09-12-2003, 08:37 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by ninty9
Today, in the 21st century, is really the first time in our history where one person could bring all of human achievement and all we know tumbling to the ground. 100 years ago, this wouldn't have been achievable by the strength of any nation. With numerous global threats, are we really going to get through all this?
Well, yeah, think how far we have come scientifically.

Look how far we have developed Space Travel. Ditto for Nuclear Science.
Its amazing how far our technology has come, and how much we rely on un-human things.

We definitely have more power in our hands as a human race, then we've ever had.
we've come a long way but unfortunately the idiots in charge are happy to use inferior technology to pollute the Earth to hell and dismiss experts' opinions as bullshit.
Of course the average layperson's fear of "nuke-you-ler" power is really fucking up our evironment, in fact coal spews more radioactive material INTO THE ATHMOSPHERE, while nuclear waste stays in containers underground.

So basically our problem is stupid people outnumber smart people, so their stupid peers get elected and make stupid decisions.
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