09-12-2003, 09:57 AM
[quote="Sgt Stryker":982c7][quote="ED!":982c7]Well, a new generation of softheads and pansies will take care of the "war" issue. Thank you UC Berkely.[/quote:982c7]
with warmongers like ^ and fools like Bush in high positions
no I don't have faith in mankind, until people start using their brains (instead of blindly following religion or whoever happens to be leader at the time)[/quote:982c7]
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The previous threads flame had died down and I was itching for another one.
War Mongerer huh - you can say that from what? Done a detailed profile of me have you. Shit son we could put you on CSI and BAM! you'd be like a superhero or something. You'd have to stop jizzing in a sock though, and that acne would have to go - but I think we can swing it.
War, conflict, etc have been the driving forces of advancement and technological breakthrough. People dont sit around and think - "gee everything is so peaceful and serene, lemme make a nuclear bomb". No - evoluton is defined by struggle to ADAPT to a HARSH setting, and learning to control your environment. It just so happens that there are situations in the world that give us a good reason to go to war and to fight and to expand.
Of course I'm sure if we used our "brains" we could have sent in a negotiator to the Taliban stronghold and asked them very nicely if they could please not kill us anymore, and stop hijacking our planes, and make it unsafe for americans to travel abroad. Oh yea. That would have worked. . .for about the five seconds it would have taken them to load their guns and shoot us in the head.
Nixon was right - u kids are useless.