09-12-2003, 10:20 AM
The war against the Taliban was 100% justified,
what was the reason Bush gave for going into Iraq?
phantom WMDs?
even the "Saddam is an evil dictator" reason is a better one that the official reason.
I hate Saddam as much as the next guy, but because Iraqis are being opressed doesn't make it right to send in US soldiers and trade US lives for Iraqi lives.
the US military exists to protect the security of Americans, therefore exterminating the Taliban to the last raghead was a good idea, because they posed a threat.
Hussein does not have the conventional means to hurt the US (SCUDs only shoot out to 500 miles, that's a few thousand short to get here).
Also contrary to what Bush says AL Quaeda and Saddam hate each other, mainly because of his oppression of the shiite muslims.
Saudi Arabia is known to have close ties with Bin Laden and Al Quaeda, so why the fuck aren't we bombing them instead? Taking out Saudi Arabia would be more justified considering their financial ties with OBL and the fact that most of the hijackers were Saudi.
I am not against war in defense of our homland, I am against the US playing global cop in areas where US interests are in no way threatened, best example was Kosovo. Before we interfered the Serbs had the situation under contol, sure they were heavy-handed, but look what is going on now:
Drug traffic has increased throughout Europe, the Albanian so-called "refugees" have nearly doubled Europe's crime rate, and the Albainan mafia is on the verge of defeating the Italian mafia. So it looks like the Albanians were getting all that they deserved from the Serbs, but we had to butt in.
I fear that the same thing is going on in Iraq.
Look at the latest targets, somebody blew up a mosque, they killed some religious leader, etc.
These are not Saddam loyalists attacking US troops, it looks more like various religious factions are going after each other. These people aren't ready for the 21st century, they aren't even ready for the 20th.
Also one has to understand that if a foreign power invades and starts wrecking everything and anything the people are more likely to rally to their leaders, even if the leaders are evil.