Originally Posted by Noctis
Given the fact that the United States military was founded for the sole purpose of the pursuit of liberty and freedom, I thought that just maybe you'd be able to infer that that ideal would hold true and be generally accepted by the enlistees intelligent enough to do the same. But then that's the definition of a liberal, isn't it? They want to find something wrong with everything so they can bitch about something. Liberals are the same reason that school districts are shelling out MILLIONS of dollars in LAW SUITS propegated by liberal institutes like the ACLU because they didn't offer an appropriate selection of meat alternatives. GG.
who says I'm a liberal?
you make too many generalizations.
I also hate groups like the ACLU and the Green movement with a vengeance. I also believe that the Feds should stay the fuck out of our everyday affairs and that we should take responsibility for our own fuckups.
I am actually more social center, economic center-left
While we are on the subject of defeding freedom: what about the "patriot" act? That single document has the potential of doing more damage to our freedoms than anything ever passed in congress.
Did you know that the Feds can bascially spy on all of your activities without a warrant?
I used to respect conservatives becasue they believed in smaller Federal government which protects freedoms instead of violating them, it looks like things have changed.
I also used to be fiercly pro-war with regard to ousting Saddam, but after the "WMD" snowjob and the obvious lack of post-war reconstruction planning I have become fiercly anti-war. It takes a truly great politician to make people who were on his side become against him