Thread: Makaveli?
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Default 09-12-2003, 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
It gets worse lol

"In the movie, "Gang Related," Tupac and Belushi wait in room 7, and Tupac's badge number is 115; 1+1+5=7."

"At the end opf the song hail marry you can hear a voice calling
"he's alive 'he's alive. you can hear it when the song is playing 3 minutes and 22 seconds and 3+2+2is the magical number of 7"

WOW, ive never heard about that before. Ok, what if he is alive, still. Is he gonna try to make some kind of comeback? Somebody will just porbaly kill em (this time for sure) and do in front of the world also. Like while he's at some event or something.
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