Originally Posted by "Low spark":0b251
Noctis you are nothing but a jerk. I't people like you that with shallow hate filled minds that make this world the mess it is today.
Hey, don't hate me just because I happen to have an IQ in the top one percentile of the nation. I can't help that I'm smart, I just fucking hate idiots. Smart people don't fuck things up, idiots do. Usually idiots disguised as smart people. Oh, and liberals are all idealistic idiots. Thank you, come again.[/quote:0b251]
I hope you have a BMW that way your penis enlargement by way of braggery would be complete. Look at me everyone I may be a self centered asshole who uses his IQ as means to solve every question thats answered by way of my arrogance but hell I can sure get a good looking girlfriend. Being smart is just like being rich, the more money you have the more people tell you youre rich so your ego grows and soon "Look at me who the fuck needs god"
Out of the way of making fun of noctural battered-anus:
Man kind is doing its "hardest" to make sure that countries that could potentially threaten the world are not aloud to develope or maintain any Nuclear weapons programs. But ofcourse the bigger more responsible countries like USA, and Russia are allowed to develope any type of program they see fit. Do away with nukes and chem warfare as well as crazy dictators and the prospect of war will slowly minimize.