09-12-2003, 03:50 PM
To get back on topic.
After seeing the way this thread de-evolved. I would have to change my stance, there is no hope for mankind. So for those of you that have childern I suggest explaining to them that their lifes are worthless, what is important is the profit that can be made today at their expense. If they happen make to aldulthood, all they have to look foward to is an environmently wasted planet, and an insurmountable debt brought to them by my generation. But what the hell. they deserve it, after all we are making the world safe from terrorism by giving the rest of the world all the more reasons to hate us. We break or ignore treaty after treaty, we do everything we can to dismantle or get around environmental laws. We have religons that are doing nothing to make it a better world, but instead causing more hate in the world, acting like childern "MY RELIGON IS BETTER THAN YOURS, YOU HEATHEN, SO DIE".
Too easily we justify the killing of the innocent and not so innocent people,
The sacntity of human life has little or no meaning......
I think I'll go buy a Humvee.