09-13-2003, 08:30 AM
Played it, disliked it - just like SH.
The fundamental issue with the two expansions is that they did away with the sturdy (if a little glitchy) net-code and rendering routines that 2015 developed (or, they kept them but failed to improve them to incorporate all the extra workload).
Just played on a 35 ping server with two other low ping players and yet it was still mostly guesswork when it came to aiming. The sheer jerkiness totally ruins the experience. Whoever enjoys SH and BT is a masochist no other way about it.
It's not just the maps, either. It's the core of the game that is at fault. Whoever tacked on the new skins, weapons and scripting totally ignored the counter-factors of gameplay, performance and diversity.
Btw, the liberation mode is so jerky because of the scripting, most likely. Whereas 2015 (and 95% of the bloody players who try their hand at scripting) managed to create scripting for objectives that was simple and effective and that ran smoothly, EA just seemed to have taken what was there and added loads to it (without thinking of what it may do to the game).
It's like they read the "Scripting for idiots" book and butchered the notepad files with reams of text that does the job, but in a way that demands your PC's attention so much that it has to neglect graphics rendering and network updates for every single cycle of the game.
That EA passed the develoment of PA to TKO may just be the single reason it doesn't fail misserably (except in the eyes of weird masochistic WWII fans who think that a pretty game is a good game).
But then they're up against COD (and HL2, probably)... No chance. They're just not on the same higgins boat at all.