Thread: Makaveli?
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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 09-14-2003, 09:16 AM

No need to backpedal, because it was not a racist comment. I work and go to school with many different people, I am friends with many different people. I try not to judge people by their appearance, but we are all human and it comes out once and a while... we generalize and stereotype to either make a joke or to insult someone. But, people who are grounded like myself, tend to be more open in their conversations and don't hold back because of the fear of being P.C. It's people like ED that tend to nitpick what you say and try to turn it into some sort of argument, because that's the way they amuse themselves. He wants to get a rise out of people, he likes to stir the pot and then back away and see what happens.

"I mean we all know that Whites like nice White music like Britney and Aerosmith and The Stones. " --->ED
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