09-14-2003, 11:31 AM
Haha - yea, I made you make your little comment.
"I cant be racist I work with minorities" - Oldest, lamest, excuse in the book.
[quote:54ef8]You contnue your campaign that all "White folk" and card carrying members of the KKK.[/quote:54ef8]
Funny that I've only called ONE white person out on here. But keep on attempting to turn the other way, put your blinders up and do whatever it takes to not see the point.
[quote:54ef8]But, people who are grounded like myself, tend to be more open in their conversations and don't hold back because of the fear of being P.C.[/quote:54ef8]
Yea youre ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Who gives a damn about the feelings of others. Why should common decency keep you from attempting to make a point. Hell if you need to use the term "nigger" to get something down, well by god you should be allowed to use it!
[quote:54ef8]It's people like ED that tend to nitpick what you say and try to turn it into some sort of argument, because that's the way they amuse themselves. He wants to get a rise out of people, he likes to stir the pot and then back away and see what happens.[/quote:54ef8]
Back away. I'm right here calling you on it sucka. But you can explain away your little comment all you want, you can say "oh but everyone does it thats how we have fun", the fact remains its still there. Explain it away that it's how OTHER people react that makes your comment racist and no fault of your own. Son, it's pretty sad when you can say its the victims of racial generalizations and stereotypers that are the cause of racism.
[quote:54ef8]"I mean we all know that Whites like nice White music like Britney and Aerosmith and The Stones. " --->ED [/quote:54ef8]
Yup, just using some of that "Good Ol Boys" Logic that you seemed so fond of. Yanno: Tupas is an evil for those chicken eating Blacks. Britney Spears is good music for us God loving Tax Paying Whites. Right - just using your own Non-Racist Racial Generalization.