09-14-2003, 12:06 PM
[quote:a2da5]When I was in Cali for training one year, it happened to be the same time as some elections. ONe thing on the ballot was repealing of Affirmitive Action, it passed. I watched TV and saw all the cry babies saying how can I provide for myself and my family now, I will never be able to get a job. What a joke, blaming your race/color for your not being able to get a job or succede in the world.[/quote:a2da5]
Are you a minority. No? Do you have any idea the racism - even the subconcious racism - that is perpetrated against minorities EVERY damn day. For a seemingly "intelligent" person to come out and make the argument or assumption that people in power can be trusted to make the RIGHT decision and leave race out of it - just shows a WHOLE hell of a lot. No sir, it's not folks like me - its blind low-class ignorant sob's like yourself, comfortable in YOUR skin, wondering why all them dang minorities cant be as as succesful as you, who make it certain that race IS used as a standard for hiring or firing someone, and other inequities in life.