09-14-2003, 03:45 PM
Quite true there. I really enjoyed AA when it first came out. Then when SH came out I played both SP and AA for a while unitll I basicly dropped AA.
Now I never thought SH was superior to AA but it was different and and the main reason I dropped AA was that it was quickly filling up hackers and Asshats. I play for fun and just dont need that hassle.
To this day I find that the SH comunity is in general a competitive but friendly bunch. Oh we have few Asshats but they are SH asshats so not really bad peeps.
As for BT I played it for a couple of days now and thinking the new aiming physics will add an intresting new development to the game. I see a lot of strats having to be reworked.
As for COD form the demo it looks great but any of you AA peeps think ur gonna run & strafe and acutally hit anything have a big shock comming for ya. The aiming physics are even more pronounced then BT.