09-14-2003, 04:35 PM
Hmmmm. . .well cant remember any time I've pointed the finger at someone for being racist that didnt either MAKE a racist remark, or show how incredibly ignorant and blind they are. You can call me a mongerer for seeing a level of racism in that n00bs remarks, but then what are you for believing 100% that there wasnt in there? You can say that Affirmative Action was a bad thing, but then do you really trust your fellow man to act right all the time? We KNOW that doesnt happen. So why should we think that taking it away as a law is going to make things better? I mean even denying this is ludicrous and just closes your eyes and ears to what has happened and will continue happening until folks accept that fact that certain things are not cool (yea I'm looking at that confederate flag). Germany - GERMANY! - seems to have learned that lesson, should be a no-brainer that we could. But they have always been more efficient then us.