Thread: Makaveli?
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Default 09-14-2003, 08:11 PM

Originally Posted by Hogman74
Originally Posted by "AADiC_":f6cbb
Whatever, no response will make any difference to you. You are so consumed everything has racist undertones that you see it if it is there or not.

I will say that attitudes like yours also help perpetuate racism.
Agreed. I will also say that yes racism exists and no I dont pretend to know what its like to be a minority, but there are sterotypes and racist remarks from all groups, even minorities to whites. If you point the finger of racism at every little thing , it just shows that you yourself are consumed with the issue. When you point a finger always remember three are pointing back torward yourself.

Ah, but the thing is, Ed doesn't do that. Hell, most of us didn't even know he was black till a couple months ago.....

I should have phrased that a little better. My point was not directly pointed to ED. Hell I don't even know the guy, but more so that some people make everything a racial isue. Hypersensitive you might say. It is those attitudes that are a detriment to progress. A person who does this is racist in his own way. With that being said, I don,t agree with everything Ed has said and that is ok, I'm sure many people dont agree with my views. The "principle" Ed spoke of earlier about it being ok for blacks to say "my Nigga" and for others being wrong is a "double standered" not a "principle ". I understand why black people would be offended. That doesn't mean I want to say that, but it's just point to make. The logic he spoke of about not being hired by a guy with a confederate flag was a stereotype. Now a large % of the time that may be true but a strerotype no less. Using that logic white people could expect the same from a guy wearing a Malcome X shirt. I'm not saying that that is right either, but the logic is the same no less. The point is yes there is racism and yes wrongs occur, but oversensity to everything being"racist" can be just as detrimental as the racist himself. There are differnces amoung races and yes humor can be found in those differences if it is not malicious in nature. Rant over. Good discussion though.
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