Originally Posted by Tripper
What I don't understand is why the guy OVER-funds the military, and dramatically UNDER-funds the public school system.
Doesn't he have ANY vision for the future?
The U.S would be so much 'greater,' with an efficient education system, and a smaller government. The only good thing that has ever been accomplished under a big government was Roosevelt's 'New Deal.'
I just don't understand. hake:
maybe because the ordinary peons who can't afford to go to a private school don't deserve a good education?
of course if the GOP gave that as their official excuse they would get voted out in a heartbeat, they have to make some BS up about vouchers and the evils of the public school system.
unfortunately quite a few religious folks buy in hook line and sinker into the "evil" public schools and their communist teachers teaching evil heretical evolution oOo: