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TrenD*KilleR is Offline
Posts: 35
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Tennessee
Default 01-26-2002, 02:26 AM

If this game is like all other then the game runs at your desktop refresh rate, I run a refresh rate of 100--if game refreshes screen that fast it can lower FPS...There is a console command which I added to my .cfg (I have my own set of configs and aliases) if you dont, put it in----- mainconfigsunnamedsoldier.cfg

the command is: seta r_displayrefresh 85

should set in-game refresh rate at 85Hz

Well, i'm not really positive, but it works in Half-life and it is a console command in MOH-AA--If i'm making an ass out of myself please dont flame me , just tryin to help ppl like me that just barely meet system requirements (which I think is WAY to low)
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