Thread: Makaveli?
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Default 09-16-2003, 12:50 PM

I've been staying out of this thread, mainly because I'm extraordinarily disappointed not only by opinions posted - on both sides - but by the fact that a thread about TUPAC somehow spiraled into a thread arguing RACISM.

I looked back on the thread and it looks to me like the argument started after AADiC made a comment about Tupac being the "black man's Elvis." - ED, I thought a lot more of you than to throw down the race card over such an absolutely trivial comment. Not only have I heard you make much more tasteless comments in IRC, I'd say that every single black stand-up comedian I've ever heard has made a more biting joke toward other races, so get off your high horse and come back when you stop holding double standards. Otherwise I want to see a thread full of you denouncing black on white racism.

As for myself? I grew up in a predominantly black area. Our school was about 70/30. Most of my friends were black. I ate dinner at their houses all the time. I still talk to them regularly. One of my two best friends is black. So I don't want to hear you try and throw the race card on me.

As for discrimination in the marketplace, or in schools? Not only was I denied admission to Virginia Tech because of affirmative action (I have the letter somewhere explaining how, although my credentials were better than 90% of all applicants, I was denied because I was out-of-state and NOT a minority), I was also turned away from a job with the FBI and told to my face that I was better qualified but that they were required to maintain a certain percentage of minority employees. Affirmative Action is nothing but reverse discrimination. I've been fucked by it twice, and I've sure as hell have never screwed over a minority in an equal fashion. So don't tell me that this all goes one way. I'm as far from racist as they come, and I still get screwed.

The N word? I hate it. Ask anyone in IRC. I won't hesitate to kick/ban from the channel if someone keeps it up. I don't give a shit about context.

Reparations? To begin with, the smoking comparison is a bad analogy, because smoking is something brought upon the person by their own inability to care for themselves. If a person is so weak and lacking in will power that they not only begin to smoke, but continue to do so for the duration of their lives, they deserve cancer for their stupidity. That's going to piss people off, but the fuck if I care. They spent their lives destroying their bodies. You can't do that and expect for everything to be okay. Back on topic, I completely agree that there should be absolutely no time limit on collecting reparations for damages done to a past culture. As a matter of fact, ED, I'll send you my PayPal address so that you can start stroking a check for the centuries of slavery that YOUR African ancestors held MY Hebrew ancestors in. Only, YOUR ancestors were much more brutal, so I think that I deserve a bigger check. So if you get a reparation check, get ready to sign it over to me. Yeah, I agree with reparations. Bring on the cash.

Again, that this thread devolved into a racist argument over such a petty comment which wasn't even that bad disappoints me beyond what I can express. The comment wasn't even that bad, this was just instigated because AADiC is AAN and ED will jump at any chance to deface them. If Tripper had made the same comment, ED might not have even been in the thread. That's petty, ED, and I'm disappointed. And no, I don't support AAN either. I don't really have anything against them, but I'm not going to defend them either.

I'm finished. Someone lock this pile of shit.


Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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