09-16-2003, 01:28 PM
[quote="ED!":39c1e]Hey you can believe this thread was started out of malice - and no AADic did NOT make the comment. If anyone thinks I wouldnt have called ANYONE out over a comment I feel they've made MALICIOUSLY (all in context folks), then theyre sadly mistaken. As it is I saw within the kids comment a ridiculous and grossly generalized statement that smacked of ignorance. And it spiraled from there. This bullshit idea that "hey it happened in the past", or "dude just get over it youre making it worse" - is a fucking joke. Point. Period. The idea, that folks being vigilant to signs of racism intentional or not, and calling people out on it being the ones continuing to advance "racism" is so ludicrous and laughable its almost insulting. Do you REALLY think that without Affirmative Action this country could be counted on to not let their inherent racism shine through. Is the system perfect. Hell fucking no its not. But god almighty I wouldnt want to live in this country without Affirmative Action because my parents had to and no folks it was NOT Disney Land.
The smoking example not good enough - ok heres another one; You're GIRLFRIEND is raped, horribly. No, how about MOLESTED as a child. And she just now remembers it. She wants to go after that sumbitch. But you say "no honey, it's in the past lets not worry about it." Screw it, lets have it be YOU. If you all would do NOTHING, then you're better people then us petty blacks who would more than like settle for an official government condemnation of the act. And hey if MY ANCESTORS (which would mean you'd have to get not only the continent, but the country, and more than likely the tribe too) enslaved your folks, damn right someone needs to be held accountable for their actions.
Regarding Black comedians using racial stereotypes - I never said it was right or fair, however again context definately needs to be looked at. When someone says "Why cant white people dance" and procedes to riff on it getting a laugh out of the audience, it isnt seen in the same light as when someone says "Im not gonna hire that black man, he'll probably be late and sleep on the job". Please tell me we understand this.
If someone wants to think I'm on some sort of high horse, I could give a damn, I really could. Racism - in all its forms that I have seen PERSONALLY - deserves to be pointed out and stamped the hell on like the piece of flaming shit there is.
Joking with the "boys" is one thing, making a sweeping broad statement is wholly another.[/quote:39c1e]
Apparently I misunderstood the beginning of the argument, I apologize if I did. That was the reason behind most of what I said.
However, as for the reparations - my family is German, on both sides. My entire family arrived in America well after the abolition of slavery. However, if good old Al Sharpton gets his way, my entire family will be forced to sacrafice more money and see additional tax money handed out for something they had nothing to do with. So, if you really support that, that's fine. But like I said, if my family - a family with absolutely NO history of slave trading - is held financially accountable for your reparations, then I sure as hell will be collecting a check for what the Egyptians did to the Hebrews, because you share a continent of ancestry and a similar skin color. Sounds bad, doesn't it? You're black so you have to pay? That's what's being said to me. I'm white so I have to pay. I hope you can see why it bothers me.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008