Thread: Syria's weapon
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Re: Syria's weapon
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Default Re: Syria's weapon - 09-16-2003, 10:49 PM


is it just me or is the US is the most annoying country in the world which they can boss everyone around the world freely and attacking them at will with no reason. I think the only reason 9/11 happened is because the US has to boss around in Arab territory and occupying their land. If the US didn't occupy anything like during WWII or even Vietnam War, we would all be peaceful and there would be no such thing as "Terrorists" as of today[/quote:49d7b]

It is just you. Granted the US foreign policy hasn't been the greatest lately, but those are some broad blanket statements your making and most of it is rediculous. Terrorist are terorist and they wanted 9/11 to happen for a multitude of reasons. A couple of examples are: they hate democracy, the USA's historical alliance with Isreal and so forth. Most of all they are fanatical in their beliefs and live in a censored society run by the fanatics propaganda. Do you even know why vietnam was fought? Initially to occupy territory to stop the spread of communism. If your gonna make broad statements like that, at least know what your talking about. It's just getting too damn popular to degrade the USA now days with crap like that.
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